Shaft-mounted gearmotors: new size FT176 09/06/2022
Our range of shaft-mounted gearmotors covers a wide range of nominal output torque: from 65 Nm up to 3,200 Nm. A fundamental characteristic for powering biomass boilers of all types, from the smallest to the largest. The world of ...
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7 ragioni per cui il KFT105 è il riduttore del futuro 06/07/2016
Oggi sappiamo con assoluta certezza che nelle caldaie a biomassa o carbone il passaggio dal vite senza fine al pendolare è inevitabile. Fiera dopo fiera, cliente dopo cliente, da tutto il mondo, da tutti i mercati, s stiamo registrando un interesse ...
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The Solutions for pellet top-loading 02/11/2016
Here are the solutions that have we have brought on the market for the two types of pellet top-loading applications (directly into the combustion chamber and indirectly from an external tank to an internal tank inside the boiler): TVR motor ...
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MFT, single-phase motors with excellent breakaway torques 12/01/2015
The electric motors in the MFT series have been developed specially. These single-phase motors with 0.09 kW and 0.18 kW power, 4 poles, 230 V AC, 50 Hz, IEC63 B14, provide excellent performance thanks to the high breakaway ...
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